Your Guide to a Successful Exam Season

MSU Macademics
7 min readNov 29, 2021


Now that midterms are over and final exams are on the way, burnout is becoming an all the more common phenomenon among university students. With the workload consistently exceeding the amount of energy you have available, it is easy to become overwhelmed and lose all incentive to study. However, there are steps you can take to motivate yourself for final exams and maintain your physical and mental health while studying.

Focus on the “Why”

First and foremost, remember why you are working so hard and what goals are you trying to achieve. Your reason “why”should serve as your compass when you are feeling unmotivated and ready to quit.

It may be helpful to write down 3 reasons why you started studying in the first place and what you are trying to accomplish by taking this course. Moreover, you may find it useful visualize the end goal of your studying and keep that goal in mind when you feel like you are on the brink of quitting. Imagine, or even write down, how you will feel after you have finished your exams and harness that positive energy to motivate yourself to continue studying.

Recognize All Your Achievements

When you are submitting one assignment after another, it is easy to forget to acknowledge all the hard work you’re putting into your studying. Try to remember all the tasks you’ve already accomplished and feel proud for the work you’ve done.

Realize that just like you were able to finish all the projects, assignments and midterms this semester, you will also be successful in writing your exams. It is just another stepping stone in your education path.

Take small breaks while studying

A small break can go a long way when you’re preparing for exams. Taking breaks can help prevent fatigue and keep you focused. Moreover, these breaks allow you to restock your mental energy, enhancing your creativity, improving your information retention and boosting your motivation. Try to schedule your study sessions to be thirty minutes to one hour long and your breaks to be ten to twenty minutes long, this is considered the optimal study to break ratio. If you are looking for ways to stop procrastinating, you may also find it helpful to look into the Pomodoro technique, which is an effective time management method that will help in increasing your productivity.

It is also important to consider what you are doing during those small breaks. Try to partake in activities that allow you to be active or would allow your mind and body to relax. A few examples of helpful activities are meditating, going for a walk or eating a healthy snack. Avoid activities that would put additional strain on your mind or body and make you feel worse, such as spending too much time scrolling through social media.

Have a well established study technique

During exams you are faced with an overwhelming amount of work. It is easy to get off-track with the tasks you need to do and lose focus on your responsibilities. Having a well-established study technique will allow you to be more productive and to stay motivated to continue studying. Here are some tips you can try to improve the way you study:

Create a breakdown of your topics

Courses can be very content heavy and it can be difficult to learn all the necessary information. To help you stay organized and on track with your studying, try to create a breakdown of the topics for each course. This will make studying easier and will motivate you to continue preparing for exams.

Find better ways to retain information

Reading information over and over may not be the best way to learn and memorize important concepts. To better retain the information you are trying to learn, try to ask yourself questions about the content while you are reviewing a chapter. As well, it can be helpful to try to tie in the topic you are reviewing with other topics covered in the course. To practice course content even further you may create physical cue cards or flashcards on platforms such as Quizlet. Visual learners also have the option to watch videos related to their course content. Overall, these tips should allow you to have a broader understanding of the course content and improve your memorization skills to be better prepared for your exams.

Study in Groups

Not only can studying in groups help you improve your productivity, but it can also help you stay motivated by holding each other accountable. Try finding a group of you where that can help you learn new study habits, share ideas and discuss the course content. As well, some people study better when they “explain” a topic to a friend, since it allows them to fully understand it. Studying in a group will enhance your learning and help you feel supported during the exam season.

Take care of your physical health

It is very difficult to study and retain information when you feel physically and mentally drained. Therefore, it’s very important to be kind to yourself and take care of your physical and mental well-being when you’re preparing for exams.

Take breaks from electronic devices

Make sure you take time to rest your eyes from electronic devices. Since the start of the pandemic the use of screen time among the population has increased dramatically. Subsequently, the onset and progression of nearsightedness in the population has increased as well. This is why it’s important to put away all electronic devices from time to time and give your eyes a break. Try to take a 10 to 15 minute break from electronics every one to two hours to let your eyes rest.

Eat healthy

Eating healthy food is not only a pleasurable experience, but can also improve your studying! Studies have shown that eating healthy meals have been linked to higher grades, better memory and faster information processing. For example, foods that are rich in fibre and protein provide more energy and allow you to stay more focused and alert. As well, try to incorporate more fruits and vegetables that are rich in nutrients and will provide your body with the energy you need when preparing for exams.

Catch up on sleep

Lastly and most importantly, you must get enough sleep. It is a common trend among students to cram in all nighters and skip out on sleep in an effort to retain as much information as possible. However, when you don’t get enough sleep, you are actually doing the opposite. When we don’t get enough rest, our attention and focus drop, making it more difficult to retain information. This is why it is crucial to maintain good sleeping habits! Try to aim for at least 7 hours of sleep during your exam period to maintain your well-being and improve your studying.

Mental health

It is equally as important to monitor and take care of your mental health during the exam period. In this time, it is common for students to experience heavy emotions of stress, anxiety and etc. To take better care of your mental health when preparing for exams, you can try these tips:

Create a schedule

If you are experiencing anxiety about writing your exams, organizing your tasks in a list or schedule may help ease your worries. Having your items in a list will ensure you don’t forget anything and clear your mind of any excess doubts and stress. Moreover, they can allow you to stay on top of your responsibilities and help you do better in your courses.

Try to do something you like

During exam season, try to spend time on yourself too. Do something you like or that makes you feel good. You can treat yourself to a delicious home cooked meal, go to the gym or do any other hobbies or sports you like. Try to find an activity that makes you happy and takes away from the stress of writing exams. Finding a little bit of time for yourself won’t take away from your studying and it will allow you to keep a sane mind during these stressful times.

Stay connected with friends and family

When the workload feels overwhelming, have a chat with a friend or family member. Talking with someone can help relieve stress and reduce negative emotions. The person you talk to may also help put things into perspective and motivate you to continue studying.

Written by: Yuliana Milevskaya


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How to Protect Your Mental Health During Exam Season: Her Campus. (2021, April 30). Retrieved from



MSU Macademics
MSU Macademics

Written by MSU Macademics

MSU Macademics is a service that advocates to improve the quality of education and celebrate teaching excellence at McMaster.

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